This week, Julie and Chuck tackle a topic we all have to deal with - stress in our marriage and relationships and how to handle the resulting conflict that follows. As a clinical therapist, Julie offers some practical and encouraging thoughts about the triggers that can lead to greater stress and unresolved conflict. Not only is it impossible to live a completely stress-free life, but research shows us that stress is actually a precursor to meaning. Think about the last time you encountered something meaningful in your life…chances are, there was some kind of stressful moment or season that preceded it. What we know about stress is that our internal and external stressors feed off each other to create conflict in our relationships. Our internal stressors (or, our “triggers”) often lead to behaviors that cause external stress because of how we’ve reacted to those triggers. Likewise, our external environment and how we process it can contribute to internal stressors. A place, a subject, a word, or even a look can trigger someone to respond in a way that leads to excessive stress.
Join Chuck and Julie for this valuable discussion.